mercoledì 20 novembre 2013

' I misteri del cavallo '

 If you understand how he thinks a horse can control its behavior . The horsemen of success know the secrets of the mind of the horse. All horses share common traits that affect their every move . These traits are etched deep into their DNA and are shared , without exception , by any horse ever born . This book explains how to get an appropriate response from your horse , how to correct his unintended behaviors and how you can inadvertently teach bad behavior .Waiting to read other opinions , as if to make a forum , public, I'm going to introduce you to the book and you updated on the reference site :


"At first glance "In the equestrian world one of the most discussed topics and thorny concerns the early handling of foals . The opinions in this regard are conflicting.At first glance it is an essay that aim, through a research conducted in the field, the validity of this intervention and the possible effects that such an approach can have on horses .This approach refers to a general concept of psychology called imprinting or molding experience . The most classic example of this phenomenon is the conduct of seguitamento ducklings in front of Konrad Lorenz who appeared in their eyes immediately after hatching. This form of learning is also present in mammals than in birds. This essay tracing the history of the discovery of imprinting detects the key features and highlights similarities and differences with the process that is assumed to occur, in foals shortly after birth .The work is enriched by the presence of two mules among the subjects examined. A part of the essay , in order to fully understand the actions and reactions of the equidae , is dedicated to their ancestry , their psychology and behavioral differences compared to horses ." THE MYSTERIES OF THE HORSE " , is the only Italian version of the famous essay by dr. Robert M. Miller - renowned veterinarian , doctor and teacher - is one of the most respected scientific authorities ethology of the horse, equine behavior expert . The passion and the daily attendance of the horse , which the author has cultivated a life , are reflected in this book without any form of deception dictated by an affection antropomorfizzante . Apply a correct and respectful look at the discovery of the true nature of the psychic horse combining the passion for this magnificent animal to the rigor of the method.The title refers to the mysteries of the horse, because it is a guide to enter the territory of "other" of the mind of the animal. It is , of course, also a training manual , but more importantly, a map of his mind. All topics are important to understand the movements of his act , and react , and return to the horse its place in relation to the man . Miller shows that the horses are trained more effectively with persuasive methods that involve the principle of habituation , the progressive desensitization , conditioning and modeling of de-conditioning exploiting often also the behavior allomimetico . These , compared to coercive systems , cause the horse to behavior that "wants" to keep . Thus, the non-coercive training techniques produce athletic horses that perform perfectly their business and have fun doing it. Although it may seem that education of the horse there are strict rules to follow , you should always keep in mind the infinite diversity of subjects , it would be absurd , moreover, claim to apply a single method of training to achieve different purposes. Therefore , to overcome the difficulties arising from such variety, you can handle the foal shortly after birth . Such learning is nothing but a process of imprinting in which even the horses may undergo . Dr. Robert M. Miller has researched and developed the method . He called the whole process " Imprint Training" .The essay " The mysteries of the horse" debunks many stereotypes relating to the effect that excessive manipulation of the newborn foal can have a negative impact on the acceptance of the same by the dam. If done correctly, the imprinting is equally effective for all breeds and produces a foal calm , fearless , friendly, respectful and willing to learn , and if , instead , is practiced evil will only poor results and probably horses with behavioral disorders . Applying these bad theories are created myths that generate erroneous theories." IMPRINT TRAINING OF THE NEWBORN FOAL "
Everyone knows that before a man comes close to a puppy before wild animal will be able to make it mild and harmless against him. What an animal will learn at an early age will remain indelibly marked in his mind and affect his reactions , his habits for a lifetime . Such learning is nothing but a process of imprinting in which even the horses may undergo . Dr. Robert M. Miller - renowned veterinarian , doctor and teacher - has researched , developed and presented this technique in the world of knights and riders wishing to establish a bond with their horses , understand them better and help them live more peacefully. He has conducted countless experiments with his foals , maximizing the process at the time of birth to it and including the procedures for desensitization and sensitization. He called the whole process " Imprint Training" , a technique that is currently used throughout the world , and is effective with all breeds of horses. Probably , it is among the most important innovations that have taken place in the context of equine psychology in the last decade . With a foreword by prof. Antonio Lucio Catalano of the University of Parma , the book explains step -by-step maneuvers to carry out the procedures of imprinting in a correct and illustrates all the procedures involving the bond , the habit and awareness. Explains how to properly handle the mare before, during and after the procedure of imprinting . The book describes in detail how to teach the colt to remain bound to accept the halter and , ultimately , how to lay the foundation that will help the formation of the subject when it is mounted . All these maneuvers , Miller says , will include the human being on the list of things you like and pleasant , and consequently we have a horse who trusts his rider and follows him spontaneously. In addition to the breeder will be much easier and will save you time when the horse is to be shod, clipped, and medicated mounted and enable him to deal with situations without difficulty generally not critical as getting on the trailer or overcome natural obstacles . Dr. Miller also addresses any problems that may arise and their prevention , also devotes two chapters to race horses and mules.

by Serena Cappello, "At first glance - Experiences of imprinting " , Zoraida Publisher .

giovedì 7 novembre 2013

Non mi sono mai ritenuta poi del tutto normale, normale nell’ anormalita’, anormale nella normalita’, cioe’ sempre diversa ..
Un ramo diverso, di una famiglia radicata diversamente, con radici piu’ robuste, qualcuno che i principi li ha ! La famiglia degli appassionati di equitazione, che come tutte le famiglie con dei principi che si rispettino, come nel passato passando dalle casate piu’ importanti, anche noi abbiamo il ns stemma : il cavallo, un degno compagno, affidato guerriero ed elegante membro della famiglia stessa;
Andare a cavallo e’ dunque una pulsione inspiegabile di slancio verso l’infinito e vocazione verso la liberta’, non smettero’ mai di enunciar di loro . ©

I never considered it altogether normal, normal in 'abnormality', in the abnormal normality ', ie' always different ..
A different branch of a family rooted otherwise, with roots more 'robust, the principles that someone has them! The family of horse enthusiasts, who like all families with the principles that respect, as in the past going from families most 'important, we too have our coat of arms: the horse, a worthy companion, entrusted warrior and elegant family member same;
Horse Riding and 'therefore an inexplicable impulse of momentum to infinity and vocation for freedom', will not stop 'never enunciar them. ©

Raphael Macek - Photography

martedì 5 novembre 2013

Write 'a literary genre that has not made history, that of dedications: not dedications printed in ancient books or those that today accompany the books to reviewers in so-called "press send," but the true dedications, written with the pen from 'author giving a copy to a friend. << A love that is born in the summer is not afraid of an upcoming winter. >> ©

Scrivero' un genere letterario di cui non si è fatta storia, quello delle dediche: non le dediche stampate nei libri antichi né quelle che oggi accompagnano i libri ai recensori nei cosiddetti “invii stampa”, ma le dediche vere, scritte con la penna dall’autore donando una copia a un amico. << Un amore che nasce in estate non ha paura di un inverno imminente. >> ©